
山﨑 創(病態生化学分野)

山﨑 創(病態生化学分野)


1992年 3月
東北大学理学部生物学科 卒業
1994年 3月
九州大学大学院理学研究科 修士課程修了
1997年 3月
九州大学大学院医学系研究科 博士課程単位取得後退学
1997年 11月


1997年 4月~1999年 3月
日本ロシュ株式会社研究所 研究員
1999年 4月~2006年 9月
九州大学大学院医学研究院 助手
(2004年 11月~2006年 8月
米国UCLA 博士研究員)
2006年 10月~2015年 3月
九州大学大学院医学研究院 講師
2015年 4月~
東邦大学医学部医学科 准教授


2010 年度 日本生化学会 九州支部学術奨励賞


  • Yamazaki S, Akira S, Sumimoto H (2015) Glucocorticoid augments lipopolysaccharide-induced activation of the IκBζ-dependent genes encoding the anti-microbial glycoproteins lipocalin 2 and pentraxn 3. J Biochem (in press).
  • Kohda A, Yamazaki S, Sumimoto H (2014) DNA element downstream of the κB site in the Lcn2 promoter is required for transcriptional activation by IκBζ and NF-κB p50. Genes Cells 19, 620‒628.
  • Toda A, Terawaki K, Yamazaki S, Saeki K, Shimizu T, Yokomizo T (2010) Attenuated Th1 induction by dendritic cells from mice deficient in the leukotriene B4 receptor 1. Biochimie 92, 682‒691.
  • Yamazaki S, Matsuo S, Muta T, Yamamoto M, Akira S, Takeshige K (2008) Gene-specific Requirement of a nuclear protein, IκB-ζ, for promoter association of inflammatory transcription regulators. J Biol Chem 283, 32404‒32411.
  • Zarnegar B, Yamazaki S, He JQ, Cheng G (2008) Control of canonical NF-κB activation through the NIK-IKK complex pathway. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 105, 3503‒3508.
  • Yamazaki S, Takeshige K (2008) Protein synthesis inhibitors enhance the expression of mRNAs for early inducible inflammatory genes via mRNA stabilization. Biochim Biophys Acta 1779, 108‒114.
  • Matsuo S, Yamazaki S, Takeshige K, Muta T (2007) Crucial roles of binding sites for NF-κB and C/EBPs in IκB-ζ-mediated transcriptional activation. Biochem J 405, 605‒615.
  • He JQ, Zarnegar B, Oganesyan G, Saha S K, Yamazaki S, Doyle SE, Dempsey PW, Cheng G (2006) Rescue of TRAF3-null mice by p100 NF-κB deficiency. J Exp Med 203, 2413‒2418.
  • Motoyama M, Yamazaki S, Eto-Kimura A, Takeshige K, Muta T (2005) Positive and negative regulation of nuclear factor-κB-mediated transcription by IκB-ζ, an inducible nuclear protein. J Biol Chem 280, 7444‒7451.
  • Yamazaki S, Muta T, Matsuo S, Takeshige K (2005) Stimulus-specific induction of a novel nuclear factor-κB regulator, IκB-ζ, via Toll/Interleukin-1 receptor is mediated by mRNA stabilization. J Biol Chem 280, 1678‒1687.
  • Fujimoto T, Yamazaki S, Eto-Kimura A, Takeshige K, Muta T (2004) The amino-terminal region of Toll-like receptor 4 is essential for binding to MD-2 and receptor translocation to the cell surface. J Biol Chem 279, 47431‒47437.
  • Yamamoto M, Yamazaki S, Uematsu S, Sato S, Hemmi H, Hoshino K, Kaisho T, Kuwata H, Takeuchi O, Takeshige K, Saitoh T, Yamaoka S, Yamamoto N, Yamamoto S, Muta T, Takeda K, Akira S (2004) Regulation of Toll/IL-1 receptor-mediated gene expression through the inducible nuclear protein IκBζ. Nature 430, 218‒222.
  • Muta T, Yamazaki S, Eto A, Motoyama M, Takeshige K (2003) IκB-ζ, a new anti-inflammatory nuclear protein induced by lipopolysaccharide, is a negative regulator for nuclear factor-κB. J Endotoxin Res 9, 187‒ 191.
  • Nomura S, Inamori K, Muta T, Yamazaki S, Sunakawa Y, Iwanaga S, Takeshige K (2003) Purification and characterization of human soluble CD14 expressed in Pichia pastoris. Protein Expr Purif 28, 310‒320.
  • Eto A, Muta T, Yamazaki S, Takeshige K (2003) Essential roles for NF-κB and a Toll/IL-1 receptor domain-specific signal(s) in the induction of IκB-ζ. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 301: 495‒501, 2003
  • Kataoka K, Muta T, Yamazaki S, Takeshige K (2002) Activation of macrophages by linear (1→3)-β-glucans. J Biol Chem 277, 36825‒36831.
  • Yamazaki S, Muta T and Takeshige K (2001) A novel IκB protein, IκB-ζ, induced by proinflammatory stimuli, negatively regulates nuclear factor-κB in the nuclei. J Biol Chem 276, 27657‒27662.
  • Thomson LM, Bates S, Yamazaki S, Arisawa M, Aoki Y, Gow NAR (2000) Functional characterization of the Candida albicans MNT1 mannosyltransferase expressed heterologously in Pichia pastoris. J Biol Chem 275, 18933‒18938.
  • *Nakamura N, *Yamazaki S (*equal contribution), Sato K, Nakano A, Sakaguchi M, Mihara K (1998) Identification of potential regulatory elements for the transport of Emp24p. Mol Biol Cell 9, 3493‒3503.
  • Iwahashi J, Yamazaki S, Komiya T, Nomura N, Nishikawa S, Endo T, Mihara K (1997) Analysis of the functional domain of the rat liver mitochondrial import receptor Tom20. J Biol Chem 272, 18467‒18472.
  • Yamazaki S, Harashima S, Sakaguchi M, Mihara K (1997) Identification and functional characterization of yeast ζ-COP. J Biochem 121, 8‒14.
  • Yamazaki S, Sato K, Suhara K, Sakaguchi M, Mihara K, Omura T (1993) Importance of the proline-rich region following signal-anchor sequence in the formation of correct conformation of microsomal cytochrome P-450s. J Biochem 114, 652‒657.


  • 山﨑創.「核タンパク質IκB-ζを介した炎症性遺伝子の発現調節」『生化学』日本生化学会、第80 巻、第8 号、pp758‒pp762、2008
  • 竹重公一朗、山﨑創、江藤朗子、片岡惠子、牟田達史.「リポ多糖(LPS)によるマクロファージの活性化機構」『麻酔』克誠堂出版、第51 巻 増刊号、ppS50‒ppS62、2002